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We specialise in the osteopathic treatment of back pain, neck pain and other musculo-skeletal conditions

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Specialising in the osteopathic treatment of back pain, neck pain and other musculo-skeletal conditions By Canada Water tube station SE16, Rotherhithe, Surrey Quays, Bermondsey Canary Wharf E14, Wapping E1W, Stratford E15 & London Bridge SE1, Deptford SE14, Greenwich SE10

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Arthritis therapies "ineffective"

As Dr Fisher mentioned within the report, this fails to include information on osteopathy and other complementary health therapies. However, as mentioned by Jane Gray (National insistute of Medical Herbalists), this is a comendable attempt to provide information on self help products for osteo and rheumatoid arthritis.



Scans "no aid for back pain care"

Scans used as an only form of back pain care have proven to be ineffective. Osteopathically we will only use scans and xrays if it will change the way in which we treat or if red flags are present (ie. that treatment cannot commence until scans have been taken). There is the argument of reassurance for patients, where a scan or xray can take away some of the patients stress or anxiety.

