Welcome to Osteorestore Blogspot

We specialise in the osteopathic treatment of back pain, neck pain and other musculo-skeletal conditions

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Specialising in the osteopathic treatment of back pain, neck pain and other musculo-skeletal conditions By Canada Water tube station SE16, Rotherhithe, Surrey Quays, Bermondsey Canary Wharf E14, Wapping E1W, Stratford E15 & London Bridge SE1, Deptford SE14, Greenwich SE10

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Statistic for the day!

Statistics for the day! Musculoskeletal disorders and injuries account for nearly half (49%) of all absences from work. They also count for 60% of permanent work incapacity in the EU. Reports suggest that early invention, such as Osteopathic treatment, is a key factor for allowing those with musculoskeletal disorders and injuries to remain in work. Visit Fit for Work Europe for further details.

Friday 1 October 2010

NICE Guidelines for early management of persistent non-specific low back pain.

Guidelines for the early management of persistent non-specific low back pain have been released by The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.

This focuses on patients who "have been in pain for longer than 6 weeks but less than one year, where pain may be linked to structures in the back such as joints, muscles and ligaments".

NICE recommends that clinicians trying to improve the management of persistent non-specific low back pain use manual therapy, as practised by osteopaths, which includes techniques using spinal manipulation, mobilisation, and massage/soft tissue work.

Further information concerning the full guidance and a summary of the guidelines, can be found at http://www.nice.org.uk/CG88

Thursday 30 September 2010

What is Osteopathy

Not all people know what osteopathy is. Osteopathy recognises the importance of the link between the structure of the human body and the way it functions. Osteopathy is an effective health care system which focuses mainly on the musculo-skeletal system (the muscles, joints, ligaments and connective tissues) and the way this inter-relates with the body as a whole.
Osteopaths use their hands to diagnose and treat the underlying cause of the problem utilising a highly developed sense of touch, to identify problem areas of the body. Osteopaths use a wide range of techniques from soft tissue massage to joint mobilisation.
We take a holistic view that the musculo-skeletal system is important in maintaining the health of other parts of the body such as the respiratory and digestive systems. Osteopathy encourages the body to work as efficiently as possible, allowing the body to restore itself to normal function. Treatment is carried out using a wide variety of techniques to suit the patient and the condition being treated, thus making it suitable for the whole family.
Osteopaths train for 4 – 5 years at recognised specialist colleges where there skills and understanding are developed. Once graduated Osteopaths are registered with the General Osteopathic council (GosC) and become members of the British Osteopathic Association (BOA).

Saturday 10 October 2009

Interesting discovery! Looking forward to my new website!



Wednesday 11 February 2009

Arthritis therapies "ineffective"

As Dr Fisher mentioned within the report, this fails to include information on osteopathy and other complementary health therapies. However, as mentioned by Jane Gray (National insistute of Medical Herbalists), this is a comendable attempt to provide information on self help products for osteo and rheumatoid arthritis.



Scans "no aid for back pain care"

Scans used as an only form of back pain care have proven to be ineffective. Osteopathically we will only use scans and xrays if it will change the way in which we treat or if red flags are present (ie. that treatment cannot commence until scans have been taken). There is the argument of reassurance for patients, where a scan or xray can take away some of the patients stress or anxiety.

